Immersive Rome and The Vatican

Large scale immersive installation

An immersive experience that takes the audience back to ancient Rome

Immersive Rome and The Vatican is the incredible challenge of bringing the baroque works of Saint Peter's Basilica, the frescoes of Michelangelo and masterpieces of the Vatican to the general public in the USA.

The experience takes the public on a multimedia journey in which the spectator moves through entirely video projected scenarios, to experience the thrill of visiting and discovering surprising details of Rome the Eternal City.

This breathtaking experience created by Massimiliano Siccardi offers the spectator exclusive insight into the history of Rome, through the technological approaches of digital art, theatre narration and high-level visual contents.

Field A1 and its team of Visual Designers took on the executive production of this multimedia experience, adapting the project to the authors' requests


Massimiliano Siccardi, Luca Longobardi, Vittorio Guidotti

Produced by:

Visioni Eccentriche, Lighthouse Immersive


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